The Bird Control Company recommends and uses Integrated Avian Pest Management (IAPM) programmes, and for a successful, efficient and effective bird control campaign, all of the strategies listed must be given due consideration, even though not all will be suitable for a specific area/species/problem;
Once our surveys have been conducted, we will consider all available and suitable methodologies and systems, and advise which combination would be best for your avian pest problem.

Active Deterrents
- Pyrotechnic Devices
- Kites
- Flashing Lights
- Lasers (both mobile and fixed systems)
- Noise Generators
- Live Predators
- Bio-acoustic Systems
Bird Scarers
Birth Control & Removal Of Nest Sites
- Egg Oiling
- Egg Substitution
Food And Water Reduction
Passive Deterrents
- Spikes
- Netting
- Avishock
- Daddi Long Legs
- Chimney Protectors
- Prickle Strips
- Bristle Strips

Contact Us to discuss your needs.